
DR Trustworthy 100W A18 ET

Registration Number: 43439026
Date of Birth: September 18, 2013
Sire: NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET
Dam: SKY 4037 Sweet Chilli 301W
Owned with: Dunrovin Farm

Trustworthy is dark red to the ground, short marked and goggle-eyed. He is a son of the National Champion TRUST 100W. His dam is a tremendous daughter of Durango 4037 X P606. He is thick, long and muscular. His actual 205 day weaning weight is 814 lb. His actual YW is 1234lb. His calves are typically stamped dark red and goggle eyed. TW is highly fertile and a very athletic bull. He is easy keeping and transitioned smoothly from show ring to pasture. Semen is available for $25.00/straw; TW is a non-certificate sire.

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NJW PMH 66x 156t Lux 206A ET

Registration Number: 43460921
Date of Birth: September 22, 2013
Sire: CMR GVP Mr Maternal 156T
Dam: NJW 78P 4037 Luxury 66X ET
Co-Owned with: Ned and Jan Ward, Pablo Herrera and Meade Cattle
Semen: $35/straw and $75/certificate

Lux was sired by the well known P606 son, Mr. Maternal 156T. His dam, Luxury 66X, is a daughter of the famous NJW Ladysport cow 78P. Lux’s full sister was the high selling female in Hereford breed history at the Denver Sale, selling for $250,000. Lux is homozygous polled. Lux is a modern bull with progressive genetics resulting in strong maternal traits. He is thick, extremely long, with plenty of muscle. He is well pigmented with freckles and a dark solid hair coat. Lux and his calves are extremely docile.

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BBF Beckys Mark P606 S32

Registration Number: 42762666
Date of Birth: September 12, 2006
Sire: PW Victor Boomer P606
Dam: VPI Poetry Dancer H830
Owned With: Trent and Delores Fogleman

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THM TLS Miss May 2005 ET

Registration Number: 43257221
Date of Birth: September 1, 2011
Sire: NJW 73S M326 Trust 100W ET
Dam: THM Easy May 7532
Owned With: Trent and Delores Fogleman

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CES Julia P606 L10 ET

Registration Number: 43251461
Date of Birth: September 4, 2011
Sire: PW Victor Boomer P606
Dam: CES Julia 4009 E195

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Grndvw CMR 156T Beth Y505 ET

Registration Number: 43214921
Date of Birth: April 6, 2011
Sire: CMR GVP Mr Maternal 156T
Dam: DJB 46B Beth 1L
Owned With: Trent and Delores Fogleman

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RJ 122L Sally 0019

Registration Number: 43116391
Date of Birth: 2/13/2010
Sire: Remitall Online 122L
Dam: Star 29F Erica Beth 429S ET

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